Friday, August 22, 2008

Time for Tea

Went for Tea & a Decadent dessert at the Museum Tea House. We sat under the umbrella and looked out at Okanagan lake. Then a quick stop at Gray Monk Vineyard to photo these incredible hang baskets.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kid Olympics

Jace gets the big chair rocking, then jumps off. Sticks the landing everytime. Score perfect 10!!

on the swings! 1-2-3-Blast off ! Jace at 21 months, Jagger 4 years.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tora and her great grandmas

Great Grandma Louse Tucker

Great Baba Nancy Jacknisky

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Art Tour with Carol

Carol Rempel joined me in the 2008 Carr's Landing Art Tour where 6 artists open up their homes/gardens and display their art. We also stopped at a roadside market where Carol bought fresh picked cherries, ate our picnic at the Okanagan centre museum, enjoyed the largest "small" ice cream cones ever , and topped this off with a stop at Gray Monk Winery. Their hanging baskets are about 6 feet across. Then it was off to Decoa and Jeff's to see a vineyard in the making and pick fresh plums.

Rub-a Dub Dub, three men in the tub

Friday, August 1, 2008

Toothless Wonders

July 26,2008: Clare Schneider and Rosamaria Nelson (Iona & Ed's grands) missing a tooth.

Mt. Robson

July 24, 2008: a rare treat - Mt. Robson and NO clouds!!!

Reunion trip

July 25, 2008: On our way to Drayton Valley with Kylie, we had a visit with Baba who is holding Tora at 6 weeks. Then Mckenna and Karter Burroughs (parents Brandi and Trevor) tried to fit Tora into a toy play pen.